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Perspective: Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

As we begin a new year and possibly making new year resolutions, we should take a look at evaluating our mindset. Our mindset will either help with the success of our new year resolutions or cause them to fail.

Perspective is defined as one’s point of view of how they interpret an event, situation or person. One’s perspective can either be a block to their growth or aid in their growth. This can be explained through the process of Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset. This process highlights the ways a person can shift their perspective to open up their mind for a healthier way of being. Which one are you?

What Does a Fixed Mindset Mean?

The belief that you are born with a set amount of intelligence and ability, and that there is little to no room for growth.


  • Make validation a priority

  • Don't take chances

  • Prejudice potential

  • Crack after failure

  • Unwilling to put in extra effort

  • Threatened by others' success

What Does a Growth Mindset Mean?

The belief that you can improve your intelligence and ability through effort and hard work. This mindset is not afraid of failure and looks at failure as an opportunity for learning.


  • Make learning a priority

  • Embrace challenges

  • Continually seek improvement

  • Learn from failure

  • Success comes from effort

  • Be inspired by others' success

Change Your Perspective - Improve Your Life

If you find yourself having a Fixed Mindset, shifting your perspective can allow you to elevate your mood and the way you see and think about yourself and others. It can also open up a whole new world of possibilities and ideas. Perspective DOES really change everything. It does not mean that everything will always be wonderful but it does mean that everything can be accepted and dealt with, overcome and progressed from. Only when you change your perspective and how you see things can you change your reality.

How Do You Develop a Growth Mindset?

  1. Focus on process instead of outcome

  2. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn

  3. Be open to feedback and use feedback constructively

  4. Practice self-compassion

  5. Live in the present

  6. Look on the bright side of things when faced with a difficult situation

Shifting your perspective from engrained belief systems will take time, hard work and consistency. The benefits to doing so will enable you to live a more fulfilled healthier life.

If you need help with shifting your mindset, work with me now to start on your journey to a better you.