How To Feel Less Stressed During The Holidays

The holidays are a time for family, friends, festivities - and, of course, finances. All of these things individually can bring up old wounds or make us feel anxious but combined together they can carry a powerful punch of overwhelming emotions and extra stress.


Many people report feeling anxious or stressed during the holidays. Whether it is feeling pressured to spend time with certain family members or spend beyond their means on gifts - the most important step you can take to help with this is to recognize where these emotions come from. Maybe its sadness, guilt or shame. Understanding how you feel during this holiday season will help you with the next step which is to address by tracing those feelings of where they stem from and then replace them with positive energy and feelings.


Now trace your feelings back to the source. What situation are you reacting to and why? What story are you telling yourself about the situation? Ask yourself whether this story is true or whether it is serving you. Are you judging yourself or the situation unnecessarily? Maybe it truthfully will be challenging but if you do not work on healing or moving past what’s keeping you anxious or stressed - your reality will not change. Shift your perspective for YOU! This is what will help you enjoy the holiday feeling less anxious or stressed.


Try quieting the mind from outside noise from others and their view points or beliefs. Reflect on how you feel when you learn to take time out to just be - be quiet and honor your feels and your energy space. Do what makes you happy in that moment. Sometimes taking the time to remember a happy memory from a past holiday and how that felt can help bring you back to the vibration to attract that into your present life.


Perspective: Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset


Stop Paying to Be in a Relationship (and I do not mean with money)