Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Step Into Your Power Workshop

June 17th 11:00am-1:00pm

Ezential Wellness Center, Branchburg, NJ

Connect with the Angels Workshop

July 23rd 11:00am - 1:00pm

Ezential Wellness Center -Branchburg, NJ

The Journaling Happy Hour

July 30th - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Ezentialwellness Center, Branchburg, NJ

Past Speaking Events

Twin Flame Connections Guest Speaker with Stephanie Jameson @DivineSoulJourney - October 2022

90 Day Alignment - Breaking Co-Dependency Patterns - Group Speaker with Stephanie Jameson @DivineSoulJourney - October 6, 2022

Featured Speaking Topics


Jennifer has first hand experience with a Twin Flame journey and teaches how the Twin Flame connection is about your own growth & transformation


Unlearning and healing karmic patterns that are keeping you stuck


Mastering the secret to manifesting your desired outcomes into becoming your reality and how the magic behind journaling


Becoming centered to find your balance within and align yourself as an energetic match to what you want to attract

At A Glance

Jennifer is an Intuitive Empath, Author, Intuitive Coach and a Reiki Practitioner. As an Intuitive Empath, Jennifer provides a unique perspective through her coaching on how to detach from karmic cycles that can keep a person stuck. She has first hand knowledge and experience of a divine soul connection (twin flame) coming into union. Having been moved through her own spiritual awakenings, she knows what it feels like and the signs to look out for.

Jennifer is a published author and her work can be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Interested in working with Jennifer or booking her for a speaking event?

Published Work

Published Work

Honoring Yourself Journal

A workbook guide filled with activity worksheets and thought provoking exercises designed to help you become a better version of yourself.

The Power in Manifesting and Journaling: Workbook

Are you ready to start attracting into your life what your heart truly desires but not sure how or where to start? Then this book is for you. It is filled with proven successful manifesting strategies along with how journaling aids in the manifestation process and give you the results you want.