Every moment is a chance to change your perspective

I never could explain how I just knew things - I always had a sense of just knowing
— Jennifer

How I knew I was different

I was always very sensitive - more than the average person. I never knew why I was able to feel someone else’s sorrow so strongly. As I grew older it grew stronger and stronger. I would find it harder to be around a lot people. I felt so energetically and physically drained. The only way for me to feel better was to be alone. I became more selective of the people who I surrounded myself with. My social circle certainly became smaller but it was necessary. As I was leveling up and shedding karmic patterns that no longer served me, the stronger my sensitivity to be able to feel all the energy around me became. My sense of knowing before things happened became stronger too. I was receiving so many messages in my dreams and in song lyrics. My ability to read people whether in person or never meeting them became incredibly precise it was scary. That’s when I knew all of this must have an explanation. And there was one. I learned through multiple reliable psychic mediums that I had a gift - I was an intuitive empath.

Intuitive Empaths are extremely perceptive - possessing the psychic ability for a sense of knowing

What led me here

Since my early twenties, I have been on a spiritual journey uncovering thoughts and patterns that were keeping me stuck and not serving my highest good. The same lesson kept showing up until I learned from it. Through the hard inner work and healing I was able to feel and act like I am worthy and deserving. I became the vibration that I needed to be in order to attract the outcomes I want to experience. Being moved through my own spiritual awakening, I discovered my life purpose of helping others navigate their way on their own spiritual journey. I am honored to share my experience and share in their experience to help guide them. Helping others has always been a desire of mine.

Jennifer is someone who understands what it means to be moved through soul lessons.

Work with Jennifer now to help guide you through your process. Whether you need guidance through a reading or coaching sessions, she is here to assist with your process!

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