The Need to Honor Your Self-Worth When You are in Separation from your Divine Soul Connection (Twin Flame)

Let’s start with what the meaning of a Divine Soul Connection (Twin Flame) means. This connection is an intense soul connection with someone’s other half often called a mirror soul because of the mirroring nature of the twin flame showing you your deepest insecurities, fears and shadow self.This connection is there to teach you to deal and grow from them. Basically, the main purpose is to help each other reach personal transformation and soul growth. Read that again! The twin flame connection is there for your own personal transformation and soul growth! With that said, let’s get into the importance of owning your self-worth during this connection during all stages!

First and foremost, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important. And you need to always know your worth and that you deserve your highest good. If you are lucky enough to meet your divine partner (twin flame) in this lifetime, this will be highlighted greatly by challenging you to release all fears and insecurities and learn to LOVE YOURSELF!! Because the connection is so intense, our natural instinct is to hold on to the other partner so tightly and never want to know life without them. But the thing to remember is that the other person may be at a different level of growth than you and may “reject” this connection by returning to what they identify as safe and secure. This can leave the other person feeling rejected, deeply wounded and frankly devastated. When this happens it can make us feel even more insecure and we desperately try to fix that feeling by diving even further into trying to force the other person to accept this connection and choose us.

I want to explain something to you - it is during this time when the other person “rejects” us that they are NOT rejecting us! They are rejecting the work that needs to be done in themselves in order to be a part of this connection. It basically means they are not ready. They have not reached the point that they are willing to face their deepest fears, insecurities and shadow self. So please please do not take this personally. The best thing to do is surround them with lots of love and light and LET THEM GO! Because after all this connection is about YOU learning to love yourself first!

It is during the time of separation that comes the most growth you will know and how to achieve that is by DETACHING! What I mean by detaching is to detach from the outcome and how it all will happen! Once you learn to detach, you remove any blocks that you might have been placing while you are still clinging to force an outcome. Detaching allows the universe to do its work in its natural flow. The universe always has your back and will provide everything you need - all you have to do is ask! Detaching is the most liberating feeling you will possess. It opens up opportunities to come in and fall into place that you never expected. You will be focusing on the most important thing which is yourself. The work you put into making yourself happy will be greatly rewarded because you will be becoming the vibrational match for the universe to provide to you what is meant for you. You will be able to see your connection from a totally different perspective and be accepting of that.

My advice is instead of spending so much time putting energy into rejecting the separation, simply accept and detach! I know it sounds impossible because you love this person so much. But trust me, from my own personal experience that is what I had to do and it was the best thing for me. It allowed the universe to bring to me all the things I had prayed and hoped for to happen and even more. It allowed for divine intervention to take place for my divine partner to accept and be ready to face his fears and insecurities and work on himself. We are in union now but that does not mean there is no more work to be done. We are both still working on ourselves and learning to know and honor our self worth and love ourselves first!

SO TRUST IN THE PROCESS AND LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF FIRST!! That is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to anyone who knows you!


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