
Jennifer Smyth

Get ready to break free from pre-conditioned beliefs and behaviors that are keeping you stuck. Learn how to honor your worth and get on the path to be the best version of yourself.

Helping like minded souls align with their authentic self

Empath. Intuitive Coach. Author. Speaker.

Hello, I’m Jennifer

I knew at a young age that thoughts are things and create our reality. After going through my own spiritual growth, I realized I needed to love myself first and know my self worth if I wanted to attract healthy experiences and outcomes in my life. This realization has led me to my life purpose of helping other like minded souls be the best version of themselves. Once I started to trust the process and not let fear dictate my thoughts everything started to fall into place and flow easily. Learning to detach from how things would happen allowed me to hear the messages and steps I was being guided to take.

Are you ready for some serious transformations and perspective shifts? Work with Me!

Jennifer users her intuitive gifts to connect with spirit to offer guidance on how to heal any negative patterns that are keeping you from believing you are deserving of living the life your heart truly desires.

Having been moved through her own spiritual awakenings, she knows what it feels like and the signs to look out for.

If you are struggling with following what your heart truly wants but are afraid to take the steps toward your growth or are not sure how to go about it - Jennifer can help you move through this process to level up.

Don’t stand in your own way - work with Jennifer now to help with:

  • Shifting Your Perspective

  • Knowing Your Worth

  • Speaking Your Truth

  • The Power Within the Attitude of Gratitude

  • Making Your Own Happiness a Habit

  • Healing negative emotional wounds

  • Breaking free of Co-dependent habits

Working with the Flow of Energy

Attract what your heart wants



If you are ready to attract what your heart truly desires, then start by learning the secrets to manifesting by working with Jennifer

Are you ready to attract abundance into your life on all levels?

Are you ready ready to learn tips on how to manifest and how powerful journaling can be to transform your life?

If you answered yes, then I am here for you to help you through that process through the courses I offer.

  • What you expect will come when you are ready

    Jennifer Smyth



30 Day Self Care Challenge

Make yourself a priority now! Use this worksheet to help you track your self-care activities and practices.

Self-Love &Affirmations

Download these worksheets designed to prompt you to list out all the things you like about yourself and the reasons to love yourself.

Manifesting Guide

Need help manifesting? Download this free 55 by 5 Manifesting Technique guide to create a realignment to your subconscious causing it to believe your desires already exist!

Take the QUIZ now

How do you really feel about yourself?