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Balance - State of Harmony

During times of uncertainty it is very easy to let our minds start to focus on the unknown which can bring on unnecessary worry, anxiety and stress. That is why when we are presented with these moments in our lives - and we will be - the need to bring BALANCE in our lives is a necessity.

Balance means brining a sense of stability and wholeness into every area of your life. It brings a state of harmony into your world. Finding balance in life helps you improve your overall health. Balance involves making the time for the things that matter most to us and minimizing the things that distract us from our inner peace.

There are 4 quadrants of a balanced life:

  1. Physical fitness - exercise, nutrition & lifestyle

  2. Emotional fitness - attitude

  3. Mental fitness - focus, learning, growth, self-care, self-love

  4. Spiritual fitness - gratitude, awareness & meditation

Focusing on the above four areas will help you achieve balance by bringing to the forefront of your mind to be in tune with your feelings and listen to what your body is telling you. Being aware and making sure you are making time for the things you love (including yourself with self-care) will increase your productivity and improve your overall health, physically & mentally.

Living a balanced life will also aid in keeping your 7 Chakras in balance. When we are out of balance in any area of our life - it will affect one of the 7 Chakras by displaying physical symptoms in our body. For example, when the heart chakra is balanced - the emotions are loved, loving, empathetic. An unbalanced heart chakra - the emotions are entitlement, jealousy, blaming others, self pity, fear of rejection, neediness. An unbalanced heart chakra’s physical symptoms could be respiratory system issues, arms, shoulders, thymus gland and breasts.

Suggested Tips for bringing Balance into your life:

  • Make time for yourself

  • Do the things you love

  • Be mindful of the foods you put into your body (moderation is key)

  • Exercise - the body and the mind

  • Journal - journaling helps release emotions from our bodies

  • Set Goals

  • Prioritize your to do list

  • Sleep - make sure you are getting enough sleep to recharge and rest when you can

A successful life is all about balance - too much and too little of something can have negative consequences.